Cathodoluminescence (CL) is the emission of characteristic wavelengths photons in the visible spectrum. It is caused by the interaction of the electron beam with a sample. CL is a powerful structural and compositional analysis technique for materials that can reveal valuable information (Such as zonal composition, lattice structure, superimposed strain or damage to the structure of the material) that cannot be obtained through SE, BSE or EDX. SEM-based CL imaging achieves much better resolution compared to optical CL microscopes.
TESCAN CL detectors achieve high signal-to-noise ratio even at low accelerating voltages, which makes imaging of fine details of sample structure possible. Furthermore, the signal collection efficiency is uniform over the full field of view (FOV). They are also fully integrated in the microscopes control software. They can be retracted from their working position whenever not in use.
Panchromatic CL Detectors:
There are two types of panchromatic detectors with different wavelenght range of detected light:
- 350 nm – 650 nm for detecting mainly visible and near UV light. This version can be either stand-alone or exchangeable CL/BSE detector.
- 185 nm – 850 nm for detecting UV, visible and near IR light.
Rainbow CL detector
The Rainbow CL detector enables simultaneous panchromatic and live colour CL imaging in the spectral range of 350- 850 nm. The CL signal is split into red, green and blue components which are acquired simultaneously and they are electronically composed into a live colour image of the scanned area.