The Peltier stage allows placing samples on a temperature-controllable stage and lowering the temperature of theme.
The temperature of the stage is manipulated by creating a gradient of temperature between two dielectric plates which are separated by a semiconductor. A voltage is applied between the two electrodes connected to the semiconductor and a gradient in temperature is created. The gradient can be reversed by switching the direction of the current. The Peltier stage helps to preserve the delicate structure of the sample by controlling water evaporation. (when the chamber pressure is set to 100 Pa, the temperature of the sample needs to be lower than -20 ̊C in order to prevent water evaporation). The Peltier stage can be combined with the Water Vapor Inlet for the imaging of wet samples in low vacuum conditions. It is also suitable for high vacuum operations. The stage can cool a sample down to -50 ̊C at a rate of 30 ̊C per minute.
- Temperature range: -50°C to +70°C
- Temperature accuracy: ± 0.5°C
- Temperature stability: ± 0.2°C
- Maximum cooling speed: 30 °C per minute
- Regulation of the cooling/heating process: automatic, set by the microscope software
- Cooling of the Peltier module: closed loop cooling system (filled with proprietary coolant)
- Diameter of the specimen holder: 12.5 mm
- Power Input of Peltier cell: 50 W