TESCAN microscopes are fitted with a 5-axis Compucentric stage. A Compucentric stage is designed to preserve the region of interest (ROI) focused and in the field of view after rotating and tilting the sample. In general, the ROI is shifted or defocused, or both after every tilting or rotating the sample. This in practice is really inconvenient since the user needs to refocus and shift back the sample in order to recover the view of the ROI.
Compucentric stage implies that after every rotation or tilting, the stage control system automatically adjusts the Y/Z coordinates in order to compensate for any shift or loss of focus of the ROI occurred in the process (the tilting axis is not on the plane of the sample surface and, as a consequence, the ROI is shifted. The stage control system automatically computes the Z and Y shifts and quickly repositions the stage thus the ROI is brought back to the view of field.). Thus, the user does not need to worry or make extra efforts in manipulating the specimen since the ROI is always preserved and focused after every stage operation. As opposed to an Eucentric stage, the Compucentric stage does not introduce any limitation on samples thus making the microscopes really versatile. In addition, provides extra features that are either not available in Eucentric stages or require additional efforts from the user to achieve the same operation.

Key Features:
- 5-axis fully motorised: X, Y, Z, Rotation, Tilting
- Eucentric tilt and rotation
- use different sample holders without sacrificing tilt-Eucentricity is Possible
- There is no limitations on specimen size and height
- Fast and easy to operate (advantage for novice users)
- Robust stage with maximum sample height bearing up to 8 Kg (depending on chamber size configuration)