The new TESCAN column Triglav™ delivers a unique combination of immersion optics and crossover-free mode for UHR imaging at low energies. The single-pole type objective lens creates a magnetic field around the sample and dramatically decreases optical aberrations. Avoiding any crossover in the column reduces the Boersch effect and optimizes the electron beam to yield superior resolution. The specimen's Surface details can be captured more reliably than ever before.
Key benefits:
TriLens: Unique combination of UH-resolution lens with crossover free mode for superb ultra-high resolution: 1 nm at 1 keV
Objective based on the beneficial use of three lenses that enables multiple imaging modes
TriSE: Three SE detectors to capture the finest surface details
TriBE: Three BSE detectors for compositional contrast
EquiPower: Excellent column stability ideal for time-consuming applications (like FIB-SEM tomography)