Arya Electron Optic
ARYA Electron Optic with 30 years of experience on Sales, Installation & Service of Laboratorial, Research & Development & Industrial equipments such as Scaning Electron Microscope, X-Ray equipments, Optical Emission Spectrometers are ready to provide Technological & Commercial Cunsultto Universities, Reasearch & Development Centers and Industries.
We have developed a Laboratory beside our work space to demonstrate our equipments that we sell from our partners we represent
Customers can visit our Laboratory and see equipments, do analysis and purchase if they are satisfied. Thanks to our Trained and Exprienced Staff and Application Specialist
Due to our long experience in different aspects of Science & Technology and necessity to spread it to our customers and Scientific Feild we have decided to create a Training & Educational Center that Students and interested persons can participate in different classes and get Theoritical Trainings by our experienced Instructors and do practical play hands on equipment of our Demo Laboratory.
Successful Students achieve training Certificate at the end of Training programs.